Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation

Eastern Pennsylvania ACT logo

Foster petroleum reduction within the transportation sector. Encourage the transition to alternative fuels, vehicles, and technologies that displace petroleum. Commitment to environmental stewardship, economic development, and energy security.

Tessah Sudziarski

Tessah Sudziarski is a skilled marketing specialist with experience in elevating brands and enhancing their online presence. She has a background in supporting healthcare professionals, specifically chiropractors, to grow their practices through strategic marketing.

With a strong interest in STEM, Tessah embarked on a journey in research early on, gathering community support and showcasing her dedication to innovation and continuous learning, at the Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences.

Tessah is excited to be the newest member of EP-ACT, serving as the Community Coordinator Representative, in Northeast Pennsylvania. As her professional career advances, she is eager to positively impact our communities through her efforts with EP-ACT.

Coalition Activities